We are from CIOFF® Indonesia Youth Section
Head: Citra Natasya
Committee members:
- Dimas Hawari
- Syafira Afinsaputri
- Adinda Hawari
- Dinda Dyandri
Members: all CIOFF® Indonesia members
CIOFF® Youth section is a part of CIOFF® National section. Here in Indonesia, CIOFF® Youth section has operated for 5 years, the aim of CIOFF® youth section is to work hand in hand with CIOFF® national section. But the main focus is to invite youth in the country to preserve national heritage such as culture, folklore, traditions, dances and music. Youth is the power of tomorrows, and what we can do is to make youth appreciate the culture first, and then the rest is history. Youth are powerful source of inspirations, aspirations, and improvements.
Youth Section works closely with YCC. YCC is a committee under CIOFF® world, and again, their most important jobs are to make youth involve in many aspects of culture.
Youth section of CIOFF® Indonesia has been empowering young generation to know more about culture and here are our activities :
- Seni Anak Manggarai, is a creative movement powered by young people that care about the marginal children who lived around Maggarai. CIOFF® Youth Section along with Sahabat Anak Manggarai holding a very fun workshop of tradtional dances. Learning about Indonesian ethnic dances and performing traditional dance can help developing children’s self confidence.
- Culture Appreciation Night. A special event that serves breath taking Indonesia’s cultural musics and dances show.
- HER Dreams shares the importance of dreams, hard work, and education through three general movements. On May 2019, CIOFF® Youth Section together with HER Dreams help school girls by sharing the importance of #BeraniBicara.
- Galeri Indonesia Kaya and CIOFF® Youth Section have made so many workshops for people to know more about traditional dances. all the participants also have a chance to performing it in one of the famous gallery in Jakarta.
- Culture for Peace was held for celebrating UNESCO’s 70th and CIOFF®’s 45th Culture for peace shows vary traditonal dances from Sabang to Merauke.
- Kutai Congress
- Indonesia Menari is an annual mass performance since 2012. And in 2017 CIOFF® Youth Section together with Galeri Indonesia Kaya powering this event that held in 3 cities and followed by more than thousands dancers.
- Shareculture is a sharing activity that start with sharing photos, texts and infromation by using a hashtags through social media. So people can easily find out about cultures around the world.
- MULA X CIOFF® Indonesia is a short period workshop as a place for people to learn and know more about traditional dances.
- Inspirasi Mudaya is a trend by using a hashtag through social media in order to inspire the youth on loving their culture.
- MULA X CIOFF® Indonesia sharing session "Pekerja Seni Ditengah Pandemi" with Ravanya N. R. Parawansa (Head of CIOFF® Indonesia Youth Section 2019 - 2021)
- Participating "Blangkon" in #SombreroChallenge by CIOFF® Youth Colombia, presenting a photographic gallery that brings together traditional hats from Colombia and the world.
- CIOFF® 50th Anniversary Workshop from Asia & Pacific Sector. Teaching virtually the traditional dances from all over the world for 24 hours.
- The 50th Golden Anniversary of CIOFF® : Together for Culture. An online concert by CIOFF® Indonesia that serves breath taking Indonesia’s traditional musics and dances in the midst of the pandemic.
- Basic Concepts: Intangible Cultural Heritage System within UNESCO. An online english webinar to learn more about Intangible cultural heritage, the UNESCO Section of Youth Coordinating Committee CIOFF®️ , with Laura López as our speaker.
- CIOFF® Youth Online Convention, virtually meeting amazing individuals across countries to have an online convention of our organization, CIOFF Youth, to discuss what we have done and what is our program for the future of Youth Movement.
- CIOFF® Workshop Marathon 2021: Dance and Culture from Dawn to Dusk, in charge of Asian Pacific Sector, presenting a traditional dance workshop marathon from countries around the world, including Indonesia!
And we are inviting you all, young generation to take part on sharing our culture around the world! Let's find out about #WhyYouth and #ShareCulture on instagram and facebook. Let's be youth, let's join youth!
Activities of CIOFF® Indonesia Youth Section